Sounds cool until you realize it’s a waste of film, and the cooldown time is nuts. There’s no way to change its lens, which means you’re stuck with its sole skill, taking 4 pictures at a time. Unfortunately, the other Camera Obscura (which belongs to Ren) is crap. One can heal your HP, another can do more damage…that sort of thing.
Like past games, you can also upgrade the lenses and the Camera Obscura (with the points you get from completing episodes and beating ghosts) to become more powerful as you play, though it’s the lenses that you’ll want to juice up first. On top of that, the Camera Obscura (there are two different versions in the game) also comes with its own custom attacks (via different lenses) you can equip. It’s the only way to survive when you’re ganged up and forced to fight more than one ghost at once. You’ll want to vary your attacks so that you’re constantly stunning spirits via Fatal Frames or Shutter Chances to keep from getting hurt. The difference being Shutter Chances come around when you have 5 different points of attacks in the viewfinder while Fatal Frames are only available during certain frames of an enemy’s attack animation. Have you seen my twin? About this high, looks like me, is undead? There’s a rhythm and flow to battles in the game.

One, you’ll run out of film (other than the weakest) pretty quickly and two, the camera needs to charge in-between shots. Unlike modern cameras, you can’t snap willy nilly too.
What makes the series creepy is that combat is done in first person, through the viewfinder of the Camera Obscura. In lieu of bullets, you use rolls of film, with varying power of exorcism…yeah, don’t think too much about it. In the series lore, the Camera Obscura not only has the ability to see spirits, but also to banish them from the world by taking pictures of them. It’s all done with the aid of an old camera, called the Camera Obscura. In Maiden of Black Water, as in all other Fatal Frame games, you’re going to be fending off evil spirits. It was originally released on the Wii U, before its current remaster for the PC, Playstation and Xbox consoles. Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water is a third person (with first person combat) survival horror game developed and published by Koei Tecmo.